"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Our founders were from England. In England at the time they trained men in local counties to be ready for war when the troops in the army ran thin, these were called militias. The "well-regulated" meant well-trained. The militias were just that, armed and trained to go at a moments notice. Our founders thought, "hey, that's a good idea!" So they wrote in to have something very similar here. We now call those same "militias" something else, the National Guard. They wanted to have well-trained armed troops at the ready because we didn't have a nationalized defense yet as the states and nation were forming. I highly doubt they meant you have the right to your own personal arsenal of firepower to use against the very nation our founders fought to form. Modern day militias (by definition) are treasonous. So if you want to become well-trained and join the National Guard, have at it... it's your second amendment right.