O’Reilly: ‘Asian People Aren’t Liberal By Nature’ Because ‘They’re Usually More Industrious And Hard-Working’
On The O’Reilly Factor last night, after exploring the roots of Hawaii’s liberalism, host Bill O’Reilly remarked how it’s odd that the state is so heavily Democratic given that “Asian people aren’t liberal by nature” because, as he believes, they are industrious people unlike the stereotypical liberal.
Following a video segment in which The Factor‘scrack ambush reporter Jesse Watters“explored” why Hawaii is so Democratic by interviewing beautiful bikini-clad women along the beach, O’Reilly remarked that “the state is in enormous debt” and has “a lot of social problems” because of “rampant addiction” from a lack of drug law enforcement.
He continued on to express “shock” at how the state is very liberal despite 35-percent of its population being Asian, whom he views as unlike those slovenly liberals:
“Asian people are not liberal, you know, by nature,” he said. “They’re usually more industrious and hard-working.”