‘Absolute Proof Sandy Hook Was Staged’ – ‘Newtown Truthers’ Hit A New Low (VIDEO) by Lorraine Devon Wilke:
In the frightening world of paranoia and conspiracy that exists for many of the zealots in this country so terrified of losing their guns, so anti-government that they fabricate every kind wild theory they can conjure, the theory that the Sandy Hook shootings are a grand hoax created by the Obama Administration to ratchet up enthusiasm for gun control has to be the lowest. Read more
Millions Of Americans Renounced GOP In 2012, Says Gallup by Liberal Lamp Post:
After party affiliations were essentially tied from 2010-2011, Dems earned a 5 percentage point lead with Americans in 2012, with 47 percent (ironic, isn’t it) identifying with Democrats, while only 42 percent reported identifying with Republicans, according to new Gallup poll data. Read more
Leading Gun Advocate Killed By Gunshot To The Head written by Nathaniel Downes:
http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/01/10/your-morning-addiction-1102013-right-wingers-are-vile-people/For almost a month now, gun advocates have been making a stronger-than-usual effort to push the idea that guns prevent crimes. The statements by Kelly point out the flaw in this argument: the majority of crimes do not announce themselves beforehand, they come as a surprise and therefore either the gun would not prevent the crime, or, worse, it may have caused an escalation of it. Read moreArizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Lets Vigilante Patrols Loose To ‘Protect’ Schools by T. Steelman:While some parents and teachers are happy about it, many others are less than thrilled. Muddying the waters is the lack of identification of the volunteer force. Well, that, and the fact that some of them have criminal backgrounds. Read moreStandard Right Wing Propaganda: Guns And Religion Don’t Kill People, Abortions Do! by Justin “Filthy Liberal Scum” Rosario:Here’s the thing about conservative arguments: If they can’t fit on a bumper sticker, it’s too long for their intended audience and they run the risk of a disastrous second glance. Read moreFlorida Gov. Rick Scott Claims Obamacare Medicaid 25 Times More Expensive Than It Is by Justin Acuff:Republican Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) overinflated the numbers for how much the Affordable Care Act’s expanded Medicaid program will cost by an incredible 2,500%, all to avoid a Democratic idea that conservatives seem to literally be willing to oppose to the death (not theirs, of course, but everyone else’s). Read moreFox News: ‘The Biggest Myth Of All Time Is That Sweatshops Are Bad’ by Cicero:Mr. Gutfeld is saying that long hours at low wages and in unhealthy conditions being perceived as ‘bad’ is an unfounded or false notion. Was he joking? Read moreRichard Nixon Versus The Tea Party Republicans by Wendi Petit:While mere mention of his name to any lifelong Democrat will likely bring a sharp rebuke and a look of shock, the truth is, his policies would fit very neatly into today’s Democratic Party. Read moreRepresentative Claims He’s Scared For Family After Voting Against Boehner For Speaker by Justin Acuff:For my principled vote, Washington insiders are coming after me. I need your help and the help of 100 fellow conservatives immediately. Read moreLimbaugh Equates Acceptance of Gay Marriage to ‘Normalization’ of Pedophilia by Cicero:In an attempt to out-crazy fellow radio shock jock Alex Jones, Limbaugh announced on his radio program yesterday that the left is pushing to “normalize pedophilia” Read more