The Awful Service Jobs Replacing Skilled Labor
These jobs pay less, are less fulfilling, and have less room for advancement and mobility.
December 10, 2013 |
We already knew it anecdotally, of course, but a new MIT studyadds further weight to the notion that outsourcing and mechanization are turning previously well-paying skilled jobs into low-paying service jobs...
The Children Left Behind -- What Happens to the Students Pushed out by High-Stakes Testing
The stories of three students who scored low on No Child Left Behind tests.
The Time for Wealth Redistribution Is Now
The U.S. economy will continue to dangerously erode the futures of America's burgeoning low-wage workforce without spreading the wealth.
Congressional negotiators have reached agreement on a budget that will leave in place over a trillion dollars in sequester spending cuts over 10 years while setting the stage for the elimination of jobless benefits for over a million people.
What Today's New Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Mean
Obamacare enrollment picked up in November, more than doubling the low numbers seen in October after's troubled rollout, but the pace still lags behind the targets set by the Obama administration.