Posted on the Facebook page Republican Family Values...
via Cristina Le:
I think it's time for some brutal honesty. Now this is for the Tea-Partiers who seem to find their way on this page. What is it you really want? You seem to get rabidly upset at the idea of a kid eating his mac & cheese bought on food stamps. You blame the poor, you blame the women, you blame the minority groups. You always say "Be self-sufficient ! Get a job!" etc. And yet you also support budget cuts to things like education, healthcare, and good nutrition. I'd like to point out a few things about that. First of all education is the foundation of self-sufficiency in today's world. I'm not even sure you can flip burgers without at least a High School Diploma. If you're telling a poor person that they're lazy at the same time you're cutting off what might be their only opportunity to be self-sufficient you're kind of defeating the purpose of your initial gripe. A sickly and malnourished child will grow up to be an unhealthy adult who will also have trouble functioning in a work force. If some kid from a poor family living in some inner city wants the education to be something and you cut him or her off at the pass by taking money for education and good health then how can you blame that kid for not trying?
You blame women for having babies when they're broke but you also deny that women should have access to birth-control, sex education, and yes even abortions. You just say "don't have sex" now come on people! You have to know that people have been having pre-marital sex since...well for as long as humans have existed. You know people aren't really going to stop having sex because you told them to. But maybe the 14yr old mother wasn't actually anticipating her rape. Now you have a 14yr old with a baby you FORCED her to have(talk about the poor gal being raped again by society) and legally she's too young to work. What's she going to do? More importantly where's your "Safe Haven" sign for unfortunate young women like her? Oh yeah that's right...not your kid, not your problem right? Okay let's move on...
You blame minorities like African Americans, and Latinos. Far be it from ME to point out that the African Americans are here because YOUR ancestors kidnapped their ancestors and forced them to come here to work for a whipping and a plate of rotten pork entrails. And the Latinos are in fact direct descendants of the people you stole this land from in the first place. But you think that somehow YOU are entitled to have your cake and eat it too. You think that how you look or what you have makes you the masters who should never be questioned. I've got news for you, it doesn't work that way. You are no more human, deserving or entitled to anything in this country. Just because you think you're superior doesn't mean that you actually are superior. You really created this mess that you gripe so loudly about, but you fail to see that you spilled the milk.
So what is it you REALLY want? You don't want your tax money paying for government assistance but you also want to take away any opportunity for people to better themselves so that they won't need the assistance. What do you really want? What is it about us that scares you so much? You know before the Conquistadors and Columbus the Native Americans(who are the ancestors of the Mexicans you hate so much) were doing just peachy. Once the European interlopers got here it all fell to shit pretty quickly. You killed most of the Native Americans, and placed the rest into filthy squalors you call Reservations. And of course all of the immigrants from other countries didn't start getting here until after your ancestors did. Again I ask what you really want out of all of this.
Do you really want people to get out of whatever holes they're in or do you just want us to die off and not exist at all? Because apparently you're implying that unless we're born into opportunity or opportunity just happens to miraculously materialize out of thin air than we don't deserve to have an opportunity. Why is that? Maybe you think your God's punishing us for our heathen existences by cursing us to live and die in poverty. So what did you do to be born into God's favor that the rest of us didn't? I mean if there's some reason why you think you're the only ones entitled to rights, opportunities, and privileges we'd sure like to know what you're doing that makes you so special and so favored. Do we not have the qualifications to be American? What ARE the qualifications of a REAL American? You seem to think you know that answer. So tell us the truth.I admit I can be very blunt, big-mouthed, and hot-headed but you will ALWAYS get what I believe is the truth from me. And if somebody can prove my truth is false than I will certainly admit I was wrong and see what another way is. So now tell us what's your truth?
Can you do that?