Residents in the small town of Semmes, Alabama were surprised when one of the acts in the annual Christmas parade was a group of black drag queens known as “The Prancing Elite.”
The captain of the troupe, Kentrell Collins, said he believed the offer had been made in good faith, and that the representative for the Friends of Semmes to whom he spoke knew who she was hiring.
“I said we’re all over 21 and we’re guys. She was so excited. She was like I didn’t know they had any groups like that in Mobile,” Collins told Fox 10 News.
The reaction of local residents to the troupe’s performance was overwhelmingly negative.
The townsfolk were outraged, OUTRAGED, I tell you! Read aboudid here.
These townsfolk would have died of shock had they seen the Pride Parade I saw on Colfax Avenue in DenBRRRRRR a couple years ago!