Friday, March 14, 2014

Bully That Shot Texting Father In Movie Theater Was Also Texting

Curtis Reeves’ son, Matthew Reeves, told detectives that his father texted him at 1:04 p.m. Jan. 13, the documents show. Curtis Reeves told his son he was already seated inside the theater. Matthew Reeves, who is a Tampa police officer, made plans to meet his parents at the theater for the 1:20 p.m. showing of “Lone Survivor” but was late because he stopped to wash his truck, he told detectives.

So it’s not like Reeves was a stranger to texting. This wasn’t a “get off mah lawn ya whipper snapper!” moment, this was simply a bully with a gun doing what bullies do:

Assistant state attorney Manny Garcia told the judge that Reeves has a habit of confronting people who use phones in theaters. Garcia said he was contacted late Monday by a woman who said she had a similar incident with Reeves in December.

“She was at the Cobb movie theater when she was confronted by the defendant for texting,” Garcia said. “He was glaring at her the entire time.”

Garcia added that Reeves followed the woman to the bathroom, which “made her feel very uncomfortable.”

That woman must be wondering if she’d be the one with a bullet in the chest if she’d told Reeves to frakk off.

Why was Reeves so aggressive for a 71 year old man? Why pick a fight with a man almost half his age? Why harass and intimidate a woman? Gun entitlement, of course. This is the predictable result of the combination of “stand your ground” and concealed carry. ”I have a gun so I can do whatever I want. If you give me any lip, I’ll just blow you away and claim I was standing my ground.”

As the open carry movement spreads (and it will because politicians are still terrified of the NRA despite their lousy track record), it will get worse. Arrogant gun nuts will feel even more entitled to bully everyone around them. If you doubt this, please recall the group of gun nuts that just “happened” to show up in the parking lot of a restaurant where a handful of middle age women where having an anti-gun meeting. The gun nuts tried to claim that it was just a coincidence but even far right “The Blaze” wasn’t buying it:

“Open Carry Advocates Stand Outside Moms Against Gun Violence Meeting: Tell Us if You Think They Went Too Far”

Yeah, let’s put moar gunz on the street. Because the freedom to bully people without guns is exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind.