Sunday, March 2, 2014

Obama Speaks Bluntly and Honestly About How Republicans Have Damaged America

President O'Bama needs to be twice as savage to them as they have been to him. They decided when he was inaugurated to do everything they could to block everything he tries. He should have nipped that in the bud long ago.

For over four years many on the left have wondered, sometimes aloud, when President Obama would abandon diplomacy and desire for bipartisanship and tell the American people what they need to hear about why they are not sharing in the nation’s economic recovery that is enriching the wealthy and their corporations. Whether it was to appease Republicans to encourage them to work with Democrats for the good of all the people, or to avoid appearing combative, the President has been remiss to speak bluntly about why Washington is ineffective when he, and anyone with a pulse, knew Republican obstruction was borne of their opposition to him as President as much as their 30-year crusade to transfer the nation’s wealth to their corporate paymasters. However, in an interview with the New York Times, the President gave an accurate assessment of the Republican Party, the state of the economy, and reiterated his four-year economic agenda that Republicans have opposed every step of the way.

This was back in July, 2013. I really don't think he's been aggressive enough. Republicans are still obstructing. 

More here. And here.

Responses to the posting:

Mr. Reader: Agreed, Steve. He should have said, "Understand this: What we are dealing with isn't racism, it is sedition. The very opposite of a Loyal Opposition, the Republican Party has chosen to degrade our economy, to attack our rights and our civic institutions, for crass political purposes. We aren't going to let them get away with it." 
The administration should have had a truth squad kicking ass and naming names from about June 2009 on. He also should have called the Blue Dog "Democrats" in one at a time for a little chat with him, Pelosi and Reid to explain how life was going to be less pleasant for those who were more concerned about reelection than about putting this country right, 21st Century style.

Ms. Reader: That's right, Steve! When citizens don't agree with the nation's leaders, they should be silenced! And made an example! He is the Supreme. He must be right. I will now work diligently to change all my beliefs to correspond with his. <gag>

My Response: No, nobody needs to be silenced. A group of leading Republicans met shortly after O'Bama was elected, and they decided to oppose everything he was to propose during his adminny. Everything! This ongoing behavior by that party is unprecedented in American history. We see the results. No jobs bills, Congressional gridlock, and the most vile and evil things being said about a President by a party that used to holler "TRAITOR!" at anyone who would offer criticisms at oh, say, Bush. How can this be good for the Nation? I never call for anyone to be silenced. Ever. But I definitely feel that O'Bama and Co. have been meek in the face of rabid hatred, because he/they still believed that it was possible to get the haters to cooperate for the good of the Nation. He and the authors of the article are simply calling for O'Bama and Co. to "Man Up", grow a pair, and counter the nonsense spewing from the "loyal opposition" and its minions at Fox "news". 

And I am unanimous in my opinion.