Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Constitution THEY Support Ain't OUR Constitution!

Hay, everybody, let's return to the bad ol' days when the most basic laws protecting workers, consumers, and other ordinary Americans were completely forbidden!

Modern-day tee bags are claiming that the federal child labor laws, social security, unemployment compensation, etc. violate the Constitution!

Recent tee bag Congressional 'Republican' candidate Joe Miller has stated that child labor, Social Security, unemployment compensation, etc. etc. should be decided upon by the individual states within their own borders. (Yeah, that stuff really worked in the past, eh?) He sez that 'activist judges' (meaning judges who don't agree with his constipated view of the Constitution) have violated their oaths of office or something by ruling that these programs he dislikes are Constitutional.

Rand Paul, in a series of television and radio interviews, suggested that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was too broad and should not apply to private businesses, such as luncheonettes. Of course, he sez he'd never personally discriminate, but that it should be OK for bidnesses to do so if they want. 

Numerous tee bags have stated that they would support repealing the 17th Amendment to the Constitution (which allows for the public to vote for their Senators). They say we'd all have more 'liberty' by losing the right to vote for our Senators! One of these tee bags is the Texas Idiot himself, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Well folks, you guys have voted in some real strange folks. In your haste to 'stick it' to Obama, you've actually 'stuck it' to yourselves. If these nutballz you voted in have their way, your liberties will disappear like smoke as the Constitution is rewritten to keep you subjugated to the will of - you guessed it - our 'betters', the top 1% who control the wealth of this Nation.
