Friday, December 24, 2010

Reindeer Get High On Magic Mushrooms

Why should they have all the fun?

Turns out the myth of flying reindeer might not be that far from the truth: According to a piece inPharmaceutical Journal by scientist Andrew Haynes, they (along with other animals) sometimes deliberately eat hallucinogenic fungi in order to amuse themselves during long winters.
The Sun reports:
Haynes believes reindeer deliberately seek out the mushrooms to escape the monotony of dreary long winters.
Writing in the respected Pharmaceutical Journal, Mr Haynes said: "They have a desire to experience altered states of consciousness.
"For humans a common side-effect of mushrooms is the feeling of flying, so it's interesting the legend about Santa's reindeer is they can fly."
In a slightly less appetizing tidbit, Haynes went on to say that herdsmen have been known to drink their own reindeer's urine in an effort to catch a buzz themselves.
Uhh, OK, never mind.