In Texas, Medicaid is a vital health insurance coverage for kids of poor parents. Since Texas has been ruled by Republicans for a while, there are a lot of poor parents in Texas. Over 1.5 million kids depend upon Medicaid for their health and well being.
I'm hearing that there are well over a million poor elderly folks in nursing homes paid for by Medicaid. Since Texas has been ruled by Republicans for a while, there are a lot of poor elderly folks in Texas. Obviously, Texas has a whole lot of people depending upon Medicaid to remain alive!
Now, the TeaPublicans in Texas want to opt out of Medicaid. In fact, Jim Pitts, Waco TeaPublican said recently that "the state is studying Medicaid and other forms of government-run health care with the idea of getting out of it. A man in the audience mentioned a friend on the program and asked whether lawmakers would 'throw him out on the street.'”
"'If we did exactly what we’re doing today, we wouldn’t be throwing him out on the street,' Pitts answered. 'But if we have any savings on getting out of Medicaid, we will have to throw some people out in the street.'"
So now Tee Partayers who voted in these TeaPublican jerks will have to decide if it is their children, grammaw or grampaw, or their neighbor's children, grammaw or grampaw who gits thrown out in the street. Or, perhaps just throw 'em all out in the street. Might be a good way to git rid of all them pesky poor folks who don't deserve them tax cuts for the wealthy.
I'm betting that this is only the beginning of the TeaPublican madness. But it isn't my fault. I didn't vote for them idjits. You did!