*For the past two years the Republicans have obstructed proposals that would have helped most Americans. They fought the middle-clas
s tax cut because it would only apply to the first quarter-million of income. They killed a jobs bill that was supported by two-thirds of the public. They rejected a bill to disclose information about big campaign donors. They disrupted the routine process of increasing the debt ceiling, thus triggering the first-ever downgrading of the U.S. credit rating. Most recently they've obstructed efforts to provide mortgage debt relief to American homeowners.
*Along the way they found time to obstruct other bills that conflicted with their 'austerity' mentality: a Pay Equity Bill that would have provided greater pay equality for women; a bill to limit student loan rates; a transportation bill that Senator Dick Durbin called one of the "easiest bills to do on Capitol Hill"; a demand for a $16 million cut in the FAA budget that led to a $25 million PER DAY shutdown. ~ via Alternet
But hay, if you truly believe that O'Bama is a Muslim commie Nazi socialist, go ahead and keep voting in Republicans and Mitt Rmoney. Just don't come crying to me when our economy accelerates the race to the bottom that started due to Republican policies during the Bush adminny. I'm sure we'll figure out a way to survive without jobs, houses, retirement, savings, and health care. Maybe the ever-enriched wealthy class will take pity on us... Nah, hasn't happened yet.
*Along the way they found time to obstruct other bills that conflicted with their 'austerity' mentality: a Pay Equity Bill that would have provided greater pay equality for women; a bill to limit student loan rates; a transportation bill that Senator Dick Durbin called one of the "easiest bills to do on Capitol Hill"; a demand for a $16 million cut in the FAA budget that led to a $25 million PER DAY shutdown. ~ via Alternet
But hay, if you truly believe that O'Bama is a Muslim commie Nazi socialist, go ahead and keep voting in Republicans and Mitt Rmoney. Just don't come crying to me when our economy accelerates the race to the bottom that started due to Republican policies during the Bush adminny. I'm sure we'll figure out a way to survive without jobs, houses, retirement, savings, and health care. Maybe the ever-enriched wealthy class will take pity on us... Nah, hasn't happened yet.