A minority of voters have foisted an Autocrat upon the nation. Autocrat: someone who insists on complete obedience from others; an imperious or domineering person.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Rebub health insurance/medicare scam
For years, the insurance industry has contributed generously to candidates who want to hand over the Medicare program to private insurance companies. That’s exactly what Ryan’s so-called “Path to Prosperity” would do. It would end the Medicare program as it has existed for almost half a century—a program that guarantees access to affordable care for senior citizens—and replace it with a scheme in which beneficiaries would be given “premium support” to help them buy coverage on the private market. Yes, the traditional Medicare program would continue to be a choice under the 2012 version of Ryan’s plan, but it would have to compete with private insurance companies. And because, under Ryan's plan, insurers would be able to cherry-pick the healthiest seniors, the traditional Medicare program would likely be unable to survive over the long haul. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that Ryan's wife is a former lobbyist for the health insurance industry. _news/2012/08/14/ 13277101-wendell-potter-ryan-is -a-dream-come-true-for-health- insurance-industry