"Paul Ryan and I understand how the economy works, we understand how Washington works, we will reach across the aisle and find good people who like us, want to make sure this company deals with its challenges. We’ll get America on track again."
So now we're a COMPANY? Sorry Mitt, you seem to be confused about something. See, the goal of a company is to make money, whereas the goal of a government is to provide services that are not achievable in the private sector.
His belief that the government is similar to a company explains his dedication to cutting programs that he perceives are “inefficient” because they cost money, even if they effectively help American citizens.
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=5H3Ic4elo9I&feature=pla yer_embedded
His belief that the government is similar to a company explains his dedication to cutting programs that he perceives are “inefficient” because they cost money, even if they effectively help American citizens.