Thursday, August 16, 2012

We literally cannot afford to lose this 'un!

A Fight We Must Engage:

Medicare is under attack by people who call themselves deficit hawks but really aren't. The assault on working families is being waged by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan and others who, in fact, squandered a big budget surplus that President George W. Bush inherited from President Bill Clinton. They voted for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan without coming up with revenue to pay for them. They dug the deficit hole deeper when they gave tax breaks to the rich. They caused more red ink to flow the Wall Street deregulation they rammed through resulted in a horrible recession. "Our Republican friends, who are working day and night for the wealthiest people in this country, want to balance the budget on the backs of people, who are already hurting as a result of this terrible, Wall Street-caused recession. They want to protect the wealthiest people and the largest corporations, who today are doing extremely well. This is a fight that we've got to engage in. It is a moral issue. It is an economic issue," Sen. Sanders said.