5 November 2014 at 9:31 am
We live in a country where 42 percent of adults say they believe in ghosts, 36 percent say they believe in creationism, 36 percent say they believe in UFOs, 29 percent say they believe in astrology. And those people vote.
The people have the government they deserve.
Frankly, it won’t affect me much. The Republicans aren’t going to lower my taxes, nor raise them (my state legislature did that last year so that the really rich guys could get another solid gold toilet for their third yacht). My health insurance isn’t through the ACA. My community isn’t anywhere near where fracking would be profitable. And no one in my immediate circle is likely to need a therapeutic abortion (or an elective one) anytime soon. Global warming? I’ll be long dead by the time Miami drowns. So…I’m good.
The rest of y’all are fucked.