Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Midterm Disaster: What Is It That Americans Want From President Obama?

I understand presidents lose seats in the House and Senate in midterm elections. People vote against the party in the White House. They want something different. What’s odd this time is how big the election went for the Republicans. What the Hell do people want?

Obama is very unpopular. I get it. Apparently people don’t like the deficit being reduced, Bin Laden being killed, keeping terrorism at bay, increasing employment, providing healthcare to every American, making the country a more tolerable and accepting place for everyone, and even reducing gas prices. What’s the problem? Does Obama have to make house calls for every single individual in this country and give them a neck massage?

Okay. The voters want change. So, take Iowa, for example. You got this Republican with a very annoying fake laugh that says Obama is a dictator who is apathetic. Wait. How can he be apathetic and a dictator? She also says he’s not doing anything. So he’s a lazy apathetic dictator. When told by a reporter that there was only one case of Ebola in the country right now she said that was his opinion. So obviously the voters are hungry for stupid.