Always looking to make the additional bucks, many service providers are trying to change laws to allow themselves to charge services like Netflix higher fees to carry their content. The service providers would throttle the speed of anyone who would not pay the higher fees. Of course, ultimately, it would be the consumer who would have to pay extra as these fees would be passed on to the customer.
Today, O'Bama called on regulators to treat internet service as a public utility, keeping net neutrality in effect. You can imagine who would like that: millions of consumers who utilize the interwebs. You can also imagine who would be against net neutrality: internet service providers (such as Verizon) and, of course, most Republican politicians.
As the foolish Ted Cruz sed, "'Net Neutrality' is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government." This idiotic tweet shows that Cruz, as most Republicans, is only interested in protecting the highest possible profits of corporate America at the expense of American consumers.
Congratulations, America, for voting these cretins into power. Don't complain when your votes backfires in your faces. I, on the other hand, didn't vote for these unAmerican assholes, so I can complain to my heart's content.