Paul Krugmann has an interesting article in the New York Times where he explains how wrong many conservative commentators have been regarding the government that has been voted in by the American people
He points out that "cures" to the Ebola freakout demanded by conservatives were not needed, and in fact, judging by the lack of Ebola cases originating in the USA, scientists from the CDC and the HIH do know their bidness, while politicians only know hyperbolic bloviating.
Recent polling shows the vast majority of Americans are happy with their health insurance, especially those who have it for the first time thanks to the ACA. People are paying their premiums, which have risen less than they normally do historically.
The government investment program that lost some dough on Solyndra is raking in profits of $5 billion or more. Conservatives would have killed the whole thing, costing Americans billions of $$. Not smart.
Then there's the deficit. Conservatives have been wrong again. In actuality, "... the deficit has indeed come down rapidly, and as a share of G.D.P. it’s back down to pre-crisis levels."
Republicans are so bad for America.