Friday, April 24, 2015

Now Why Do You Suppose Republicans Are Trying To Extend "O'Bamacare" Subsidies?

Could it be because the millions of Americans who suddenly couldn't afford their health insurance would realize what them bastard Republicans have done to them by destroying the ACA? Just before the election? Despite of all the bullshit about "death panels" spread by traitorous Republicans, despite all the votes to repeal "O'Bamacare", we see Republicans trying to save the law, temporarily, thru the upcoming Presidential elections. Could it be because Americans want to be protected by health insurance against death, untreated disease, and/or financial ruination caused by being treated for illness without insurance?

This behavior by the Republican Party proves that they hate ordinary Americans. Yet embarrassingly-large numbers of ordinary Americans vote for these traitors. America is doomed. Perhaps we deserve it.

Read about the insanity here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


This quote is fiction written by a spoof/satire rag what is now out of publication. But righties, always fearful about someday being unable to use them gunz to overthrow, er, defend the Republic against heathens and unchristian lib'ruls, latch onto this nonsense with a truly sad desperation.

I keep telling 'em to get O'Bammy's autograph for me when he shows up at their front door to confiscate their beloved boomstick. Still haven't gotten that keepsake. Guess I never will, since there AIN'T GONNA BE NOBODY CONFISCATING YOUR BELOVED GUNZ.

So many real problems in the USA, and so much stupid paranoia... Lord help us.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Anti-Gay Christian Auto Repair Shop Makes Itself A Target For Equality Activists, Has No Business License

Oopsie. David Badash: "Of course, Klawiter has become a martyr of the Christian right, despite being the perfect example of why so-called religious freedom laws are dangerous and discriminatory.

So, of course, Ann Coulter supports Klawiter, and is blaming liberals for his anti-gay comments.

As it rurns out, Klawiter does not have a license to operate his business, and refuses to do so on extraordinarily strange grounds.

"Brian Klawiter earlier this year told the City Council that requiring a license violates his constitutional rights because it authorizes city inspectors to enter his property without a warrant," Michigan news site MLive reports.

"This is a blatant and intentioned violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution," Klawiter told the council on Jan. 26. "I dispute your lawful ability to do what you claim. I will not sign the application. I cannot and will not give up my civil rights, especially when requested by a government entity for which the Constitution was designed to limit the power of."

And one bankruptcy attorney has offered Dieseltec his services, making a rather creative statement.

An excerpt:
"I noticed your post on Facebook where you decided to alienate most of the general public by stating that you will refuse service to openly homosexual people," Jeffrey Mapes of Mapes Law Offices wrote on his company's website. "This is certainly an unorthodox business strategy, and perhaps it will work for you, but I get the feeling you will need a bankruptcy attorney pretty soon and I wanted to offer my services. Like you, I am white, male, Christian, a business owner, and a gun owner. Unlike you, I provide services to everyone regardless of their sexual orientation because it doesn’t matter to me — I hope this won’t be a deal breaker for you."

Here. And here.

I see these rightie assholes every day. They paint their houses purple. They park 10 cars on their front yards. They blast music all night. They own guns to overthrow the government of the USA when it don't suit their selfish-ass needs. Because... 'murica!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The George W. Bush Fundraisers Whose Firms Received Florida Pension Deals Under Jeb Bush

An International Business Times analysis of Florida government documents and a list of George W. Bush’s bundlers compiled by Public Citizen found that 11 firms that received new Florida pension investments under Jeb Bush were Pioneers. IBTimes also analyzed data from the Florida Division of Elections and Political Moneyline to determine how much money executives from those firms donated directly to Jeb Bush’s campaigns, George W. Bush’s campaigns, the Republican National Committee and the Republican Party of Florida between 1998 and 2006.

See the list here.

While many righties rave on about the discredited (discredited by several investigations what included righties on the government committees) BEN GHAZZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bullshit, here we have actual impropriety by an elected official who wants to be our President.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Republicans Fear Hillary

Republicans tried their best for the past 2+ years to do just about everything they could to dissuade her from running, but their efforts were always going to be futile because she’s simply not afraid of them. Heck, she’s the only reason why they pretend to care about Benghazi. 

It’s amazing, Republicans have put more effort into investigating four American deaths in Benghazi than they did figuring out why nearly 4,500 Americans died in Iraq in a war based on blatant lies by the Bush administration. George W. Bush and his administration not only fabricated “evidence,” they’ve admitted to war crimes – but Republicans want to hold Hillary Clinton “accountable” for one attack on an embassy? 

Oh, and by the way, during the Bush administration we saw thirteen attacks on our embassies with 60 people dying as a result. But yes, by all means, let’s spend well over two years investigating an attack that’s already been investigated numerous times. Not that I’m trying to say that the loss of life that night in Benghazi wasn’t tragic, I’m just trying to put the hypocrisy of the Republican “outrage” over one attack into perspective considering what we saw during Bush’s eight years and how little Republicans seemed to care about any of it. 

But just how terrified are Republicans of Hillary Clinton? Well, terrified enough to have basically been campaigning against her for nearly three years – something I’ve rarely seen in politics. The truth is, no matter what clown ultimately emerges from the circus that’s going to be the GOP presidential primary, she’s going to absolutely crush them. She’s already ahead of every potential Republican candidate in most polls and she hasn’t even been trying. Meanwhile, most of these Republicans who are eventually going to run in 2016 have essentially been campaigning since 2012.

Read more at:

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hee Hee Hee...

Marco Rubio (R-Idiot) Sez "this Obamacare bill that is going to be an absolute disaster for the American economy."

Marco Rubio (R-Do As I Say, Not As I Do): Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) signed his family up on the federal healthcare exchange and has opted to take a federal subsidy offered to lawmakers and staff, the Tampa Bay Times reports.

Yup. Yoo bet'cha.

False Christians

"These are the people who say they represent Christian values, yet vilify poor people while defending the rich. They’re some of the same people who seem to think that homosexuality is somehow the biggest issue in the Bible. People who value guns more than they do human lives. Politicians who think that corporations are more important than people.

Because the truth is, the GOP uses religion to manipulate people."

Read it here.