Thursday, April 16, 2015

The George W. Bush Fundraisers Whose Firms Received Florida Pension Deals Under Jeb Bush

An International Business Times analysis of Florida government documents and a list of George W. Bush’s bundlers compiled by Public Citizen found that 11 firms that received new Florida pension investments under Jeb Bush were Pioneers. IBTimes also analyzed data from the Florida Division of Elections and Political Moneyline to determine how much money executives from those firms donated directly to Jeb Bush’s campaigns, George W. Bush’s campaigns, the Republican National Committee and the Republican Party of Florida between 1998 and 2006.

See the list here.

While many righties rave on about the discredited (discredited by several investigations what included righties on the government committees) BEN GHAZZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bullshit, here we have actual impropriety by an elected official who wants to be our President.