Oopsie. David Badash: "Of course, Klawiter has become a martyr of the Christian right, despite being the perfect example of why so-called religious freedom laws are dangerous and discriminatory.
So, of course, Ann Coulter supports Klawiter, and is blaming liberals for his anti-gay comments.
As it rurns out, Klawiter does not have a license to operate his business, and refuses to do so on extraordinarily strange grounds.
"Brian Klawiter earlier this year told the City Council that requiring a license violates his constitutional rights because it authorizes city inspectors to enter his property without a warrant," Michigan news site MLive reports.
"This is a blatant and intentioned violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution," Klawiter told the council on Jan. 26. "I dispute your lawful ability to do what you claim. I will not sign the application. I cannot and will not give up my civil rights, especially when requested by a government entity for which the Constitution was designed to limit the power of."
And one bankruptcy attorney has offered Dieseltec his services, making a rather creative statement.
An excerpt:
"I noticed your post on Facebook where you decided to alienate most
of the general public by stating that you will refuse service to openly
homosexual people," Jeffrey Mapes of Mapes Law Offices wrote on his
company's website. "This is certainly an unorthodox business strategy,
and perhaps it will work for you, but I get the feeling you will need a
bankruptcy attorney pretty soon and I wanted to offer my services. Like
you, I am white, male, Christian, a business owner, and a gun owner.
Unlike you, I provide services to everyone regardless of their sexual
orientation because it doesn’t matter to me — I hope this won’t be a
deal breaker for you."
Here. And here.
I see these rightie assholes every day. They paint their houses purple. They park 10 cars on their front yards. They blast music all night. They own guns to overthrow the government of the USA when it don't suit their selfish-ass needs. Because... 'murica!