It’s amazing, Republicans have put more effort into investigating four American deaths in Benghazi than they did figuring out why nearly 4,500 Americans died in Iraq in a war based on blatant lies by the Bush administration. George W. Bush and his administration not only fabricated “evidence,” they’ve admitted to war crimes – but Republicans want to hold Hillary Clinton “accountable” for one attack on an embassy?
Oh, and by the way, during the Bush administration we saw thirteen attacks on our embassies with 60 people dying as a result. But yes, by all means, let’s spend well over two years investigating an attack that’s already been investigated numerous times. Not that I’m trying to say that the loss of life that night in Benghazi wasn’t tragic, I’m just trying to put the hypocrisy of the Republican “outrage” over one attack into perspective considering what we saw during Bush’s eight years and how little Republicans seemed to care about any of it.
But just how terrified are Republicans of Hillary Clinton? Well, terrified enough to have basically been campaigning against her for nearly three years – something I’ve rarely seen in politics. The truth is, no matter what clown ultimately emerges from the circus that’s going to be the GOP presidential primary, she’s going to absolutely crush them. She’s already ahead of every potential Republican candidate in most polls and she hasn’t even been trying. Meanwhile, most of these Republicans who are eventually going to run in 2016 have essentially been campaigning since 2012.
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