A minority of voters have foisted an Autocrat upon the nation. Autocrat: someone who insists on complete obedience from others; an imperious or domineering person.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
This quote is fiction written by a spoof/satire rag what is now out of publication. But righties, always fearful about someday being unable to use them gunz to overthrow, er, defend the Republic against heathens and unchristian lib'ruls, latch onto this nonsense with a truly sad desperation.
I keep telling 'em to get O'Bammy's autograph for me when he shows up at their front door to confiscate their beloved boomstick. Still haven't gotten that keepsake. Guess I never will, since there AIN'T GONNA BE NOBODY CONFISCATING YOUR BELOVED GUNZ.
So many real problems in the USA, and so much stupid paranoia... Lord help us.