Wednesday, November 11, 2015

American workers are NOT over-paid

Donald Trump (wealthy developer) and Ben Carson (retired highly-paid doc), who are the current Republican frontrunners for the Presidential field, said in last night's deebate that a problem with the American economy is that wages are too high. That's right, you hard-working American grunts, your hard-earned pay is hurting America. Shame on you!

Well, I don't think so. These comments from two of Our Betters™, America's version of entitled royalty, prove that Republicans do not give a shit for hard-working regular folks. If they had their way, salaries would drop, apparently down to slave-labor rates so that profit-driven, fuck-the-worker, greedy-ass employers who have fled overseas to employ slave labor, might come back to the USA to employ slave labor here.

Why working people vote for these entitled rich folks is beyond my understanding. Our economy originally started sucking for the middle class when entitled rich assholes started buying out companies, consolidating the companies into single, "lean and mean" entities, which simply meant laying off millions of workers and eliminating any pressure to increase salaries, even as employee performance and productivity skyrocketed to new levels profitable only to the wealthy investor class. Then greedy-ass employers moved their production facilities to foreign shores, where they employed the locals (non-Americans) for pittances. This bullshit meant the middle class got screwed financially, while investors got richer and richer and richer. See, there's your explanation for why income growth is so massive for a small number of wealthy folks, while the rest of us get the, um, trickle down.

Listen here, Republicans, the economy will explode into hyperdrive when working people make decent money commensurate with their productivity. Then, said working people, who vastly outnumber Our Betters™, will have more money to spend, and companies will have more demand for products, leading to more profits for those damned investors. See? Investors can still get rich in an economy that is fair to workers. I don't hate rich folks, I hate profit-driven, fuck-the-worker, greedy-ass employers who think the only way to get rich if by fucking everyone else.

But you workers who consistently vote for these selfish turds need to realise that you are part of the problem. Things will only get better for all of us when you stop bending over and start voting for politicians who will work for all our benefits, and not just for the few rich folks who donate massive amounts of $$$$ to their campaigns. Otherwise, YOU get in line and go to your boss and demand that he/she cut your salary by whatever percent Trump and Carson think you are worth. Your choice.