Sunday, November 8, 2015

From nowitall's "Get A Life" Department...

I forgot that Jesus died for our Starbucks cups.
I also forgot the part where everyone is required to practice the same religion. Silly me.
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Heathen Starbucks Cups

Some people are angry about Starbucks’ new holiday cups. Really angry. What is the issue, exactly?

In previous years, Starbucks’ iconic holiday cups, which the chain uses in lieu of white cups in November and December, featured wintry or Christmas-themed designs like snowflakes, ornaments and nature scenes. This year, the cups are more minimalist -- a red ombre design that Jeffrey Fields, Starbucks' vice president of design, said was meant to embrace “the simplicity and the quietness” of the holiday season.

This is a huge problem for some people, who feel that the plain red cups are oppressing Christians by insulting Christmas. Source                                                                                                                                                                                                                                F'crying out loud. Get a life, peeps!