A minority of voters have foisted an Autocrat upon the nation. Autocrat: someone who insists on complete obedience from others; an imperious or domineering person.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
The Rs and Hillary and Teh Media
For a given set of observations or data, there are always an infinite number of possible models explaining those same data. When dealing with Hillary, our friends the Rs go with the most awful models. If one awful model don't work, why, just create another one out of whole cloth. You can always find 2 or 3 data points that lead to the awful model, while, of course, being sure to ignore that 4th, 5th, 6th, etc data point that leads to the actual model, which most often is the simplest, shall we say, truth. Nature prefers simplicity. The simple answer is that attacks on Hillary (and to a lesser extent, Bernie) are bad politics. Several Rs have admitted as much on that danged mainstream media. Wasn't THAT inconvenient for the narrative of BG!
You can't blame me for being skeptical of R politicians' sudden concern for 4 dead American Patriots after they didn't express outrage for hundreds of dead American Patriots during Reagan's administration, or dozens of dead Patriots during Bush's. Even so, all those previous R-lead BG hearings found no criminality by Hillary. Mistakes, abolutely. Criminality, nope. Of course, mistakes were made in the hundreds of deaths I mentioned above, but Rs didn't call for the IMPEECH! and the PRISON! for Reagan/Bush. Of course, many Democrats did, again, because of politics.
On a final note about the deebates. It was apparent to me that the F network was throwing bombs at Trump because he isn't far enough to the right for them. And it was obvious that one CNBC host in particular was tossing firecrackers because he wanted to trip one or more of the candidates up. But surely these candidates are big boys. The say they will handle PootyToot better than O'Bama/Bernie/Hillary, so they should be able to handle bombs and firecrackers thrown at 'em in a deebate!
As always, I am yoonannymus in my opinion!