Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Loughner's Parents: Did They Know About His Mental Illness?

As President Obama prepares to travel to Tucson and the victims’ families make funeral arrangements, much about Jared Loughner’s motivations remains unclear. Reporters, pundits, and armchair analysts have been busily trotting out theories, drawing on the details about Loughner that have emerged so far: his bizarre behavior, his parroting of paranoid, extremist ideologies. But one key aspect of what shaped him—his home life—remains an enigma. How much did his parents know about his mental condition? How involved were they in his life? And did they try to get him help? Only they can shed light on such matters. But for now, at least, they remain as inscrutable as their son.

Residents of the middle-class neighborhood, located five miles west of where Jared allegedly killed six people and injured 14 others, described the family as anti-social. Jared, who was apparently the couple’s only son, lived with them, and the three took turns walking the family dog, a medium-sized brindled Labrador Retriever mix. That, however, was the extent of their activities beyond their property. "I've lived here 40 years, and I didn't even know their last name," a woman who lives across the street told The Daily Beast.