Monday, January 24, 2011

McCain Was For Cutting Medicare Before He Was Against It

Yesterday, in a sharp reversal from the tone of last year’s health care reform debate, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) called on Congress to cut Medicare, a program he sought to protect from any spending reductions in the health law. “Medicare is going to be much more difficult. But we have to go after the sacred cows and we have to go after entitlements,” McCain said on Face the Nation.

Throughout the health reform debate, Republicans falsely claimed that the Affordable Care Act’s estimated $500 billion in cuts to Medicare would undermine senior’s benefits andintroduced numerous amendments and motions instructing Congress to remove the cuts. In December of 2009, McCain even urged seniors to rip up their AARP cards to protest the organization’s support for cutting back the program. “I say to my friends, especially those who are under the Medicare Advantage program, the 300,030 in my state who admittedly they are going to cut their Medicare Advantage benefits,” McCain said at the time. “Take your AARP card, cut it in half. And send it back. They’ve betrayed you.”