Sunday, January 2, 2011

Luck of the lucky...

"A new survey in Alaska finds that just 33% of voters have a favorable opinion of Sarah Palin.   A majority of voters in every single state we have polled so far on the 2012 race has an unfavorable opinion of her.’”
    -- Political Wire,    Link

The Rethugs have a serious problem.  Nobody even wants to declare they're running until Saint Sarah makes up her feeble mind - but then what?

Everybody says she's going to run and everybody agrees she'll win the GOP nomination  and everybody knows she'll lose all 66 states in the general election - so what's the GOP to do?

One thing's for certain: She's NOT going to change.  She's going to be the same petty, vindictive bitch in 2012 that she is today.  Her negatives have nowhere to go but up - the more you know her, the more you don't like her.
Obama may be a less-than politician but his luck couldn't be any better.